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LIVE : July 29 , 2024 01:00 PM EDT
Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement > Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement

Cathy teaches classes on the Microsoft suite of application software including Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Access and Outlook.  Cathy has over 30 years of experience in clas...
LIVE : July 31 , 2024 01:00 PM EDT
Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement > Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement

Performing key roles in a the private and public sectors and also as a Board Director, Ray's proven experience includes management, business analysis, audit, report writing, s...
LIVE : August 05 , 2024 01:00 PM EDT
Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement > Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement

Mike Thomas has worked in the IT training business for 26 years. His expertise and experience covers designing and delivering training courses,...

LIVE : August 09 , 2024 01:00 PM EDT
Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement > Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement

LIVE : August 23 , 2024 01:00 PM EDT
Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement > Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement

Dr. Gottlieb has earned his Ph.D. and two Masters Degrees from Columbia department of Industrial Engineering and Operation Research .

LIVE : August 30 , 2024 01:00 PM EDT
Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement > Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement